Hillhouse Investigations, Inc.
Cattle Mutilation Page
One of life's major truisms is that there is no better place for a cow than on a grassy hillside, surrounded by other cows and munching on a nice piece of cud. After all, the cow is one of the most beloved of man's domesticated creatures. It is upon them whom we bestow the kindest and gentlest of our anthropomorphistic tendencies. When we refer to the cow, we give it all of our own virtues and none of our vices. Throughout the centuries man has erected golden statues of cows and their young and placed these figures on pedestals that we may look up at them and gaze wistfully upon their goodness.
It is for these reasons that the tragedy of Cattle Mutilation strikes terror, not only into the hearts of farmers and herdsman, but also into the hearts of children; the young boys and girls on the streets of America who tug gently upon a leg of their father's trousers and ask, with tears in their little eyes: "Daddy, who is killing the cows?"
It is because of these children, our children, that Hillhouse Investigations has dedicated hours of time, money and effort into discovering the secrets behind this heinous crime.
We were there, in Kansas during the cool fall of 1988 just after sixty-eight head from cattle owner William McDonny's herd were discovered lying dead on a small, grassy hillside. Some were slit from chin to udder, their insides pulled out and their intestines spread about their lithe bodies in odd, geometric patterns. Others were cleaved completely in half, with one half lying frozen in its last gasping struggle for life and the other half mysteriously missing, nowhere to be found.
We were there, in the balmy heat of a southern Texas winter after Joseph Miles, cattleman, found a lone steer beheaded, gutted and castrated a scant hundred yards from the door of his home. Miles tells of waking to a thunder-like roar and, after grabbing his trusty rifle and stepping out onto the porch, seeing the lights of multiple, unknown aircraft hovering above him and around his ranch. "If I hadn't started shooting at them," Miles reported to us with a small, yet manly tear in his eye, "they might've got more of the herd. As it is, I'm just sorry I wasn't able to save ol' Luke."
Hillhouse Investigations has made great head-way in researching the horrors of Cattle Mutilation, but there is much more work to be done. The truth is, we need your help. If you're a rancher, or even if you're one of many Americans who keep a single pair of milk-cows in the family garage for their nutritious resources and their warm, human-like companionship, we can work together to stamp out this horror.
Call us! If you feel your cows are in particular danger, we are willing to set up a discreet 24 hour surveillance outpost on or near your pasture. Cattle Mutilation is a crime that can best be stopped through preventative measures. Once the cows are mutilated, it's just too late.
Call Hillhouse today.